Page 1/3 - Curriculum vitae of Neagoe, Victor-Emil For more information on Europass go to http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu © European Union, 2004-2011 03112011 Europass Curriculum Vitae Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Victor-Emil Neagoe Address(es) Str. Baia de Arieş nr. 3, bl. 5B, scara C, apart. 105, sector 6, Bucureşti, Romania, code 060801 Telephone(s) Personal: +40 214114700 Mobile: +40 721235020 Fax(es) +40 214114700 E-mail
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Nationality Romanian Date of birth 31.05.1947 Gender Male Desired employment / Occupational field Professor, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest (Long Term Expert). Work experience Period Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities May 1991 – currently Authorized Ph.D. supervisor Supervisor of Ph.D. students/theses Page 2/3 - Curriculum vitae of Neagoe, Victor-Emil For more information on Europass go to http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu © European Union, 2004-2011 03112011 Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Period Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Period Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Period Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Splaiul Independenţei nr. 313, Bucharest ,060042 Romania Higher technical education October 1, 1991-currently Professor, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology - Teaching Courses: Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence; Data Mining; Computational Intelligence; Digital Signal Processing; Decision, Estimation and Information Processing - Research (Director of several research projects: Multiple System for Biometric Identification, Face&Iris Recognition, Neural Self-Organizing Models for Pattern Recognition, Neural Expert System for Pattern Recognition in Satellite Imagery, Neural Networks for Vehicular Robotics, Image Data Compression). POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Splaiul Independenţei nr. 313, Bucharest , 060042 Romania Higher technical education January 1995-July 1995 Invited Professor Teaching/Plenary Lectures/Research University of Gent, Belgium, St. Pietersnieuwstraat 33, 9000 Gent, Belgium Higher technical education September 1, 1970- October 1, 1991 Assistant Professor/Lecturer -Teaching Lectures, Seminars, Laboratories: Information Transmission Theory,Television, Applied Electronics; supervisor of final diploma projects -Research: projects in the field of image data compression and pattern recognition POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Splaiul Independenţei nr. 313, Bucharest , 060042 Romania Higher technical education Education and training Dates September 1980 – September 1981 Title of qualification awarded Master / Postuniv UNESCO in Applied Mathematics and Informatics (average of marks 10) Principal subjects/occupational skills covered - Mathematical Models - Probabilities and Statistics - Dynamic Programming - Informatics - Management Name and type of organisation providing education and training Bucharest University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mathematics/UNESCO Dates October 1973 – October 1976 Title of qualification awarded PhD degree in Electronics (supervisor Prof. G. Cartianu), 1976 Principal subjects/occupational skills covered - Signal and System Theory - Information Transmission Theory - Image Data Compression Name and type of organisation providing education and training POLITEHNICA Institute of Bucharest, Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications Dates October 1965 – July 1970 Title of qualification awarded Electronics Engineer (head of series, with Honor Diploma, average of marks 9.97 out of 10) Principal subjects/occupational skills covered - Mathematics - Signal and Systems Theory - Information Transmission Theory - Electronic Circuits - Computer Programming Name and type of organisation providing education and training POLITEHNICA Institute of Bucharest, Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 3/3 - Curriculum vitae of Neagoe, Victor-Emil For more information on Europass go to http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu © European Union, 2004-2011 03112011 Level in national or international classification Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s) Romanian Other language(s) Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production English C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C2 Proficient user French C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user B1 Independent user B1 Independent user A2 Basic user (*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Social skills and competences Experience for PhD student teaching and supervising, as well as for leading the student research teams and their final projects. He has also experience in leading and participating as partner in research projects. Organisational skills and competences Experience in project and team management. Technical skills and competences • Experience of 47 years in university teaching and research • PhD supervisor since 1990 • Competence fields for university teaching: pattern recognition, computational intelligence (artificial neural networks; fuzzy systems, genetic algorithms, swarm intelligence, artificial immune systems, ant colony optimization), data mining, digital signal processing, computer vision, detection, estimation and information processing. • Competence fields for research: computational intelligence, pattern recognition, data mining, remote sensing image analysis, change detection, biometrics, computer vision, image compression • Author of more than 150 published papers. Computer skills and competences Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint etc.), Matlab. Artistic skills and competences Poetry, author of a booklet of poetry called “Notre espace vectoriel- Poemes pour le tiroir” written in 1989 and published in 1992 in France. Other skills and competences • Member IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Eng., New York) since 1978 • Senior Member IEEE since 1984. • Who’s Who in the World: 1998 (15th Edition); 2011 (28th Edition), 2012 (29th Edition), 2013 (30th Edition), 2014 (31th Edition), 2015 (32th Edition), 2016 (33rd Edition) • Who’s Who in Science and Engineering:2005-2006; 2011-2012; 2016-2017 Additional information Appendices Date: January 15, 2018 References may be given at request List of published papers Victor-Emil Neagoe
Pentru vizualizare integrala accesati linkCV VICTOR NEAGOE 2020


Originar din Fagaras, el a lucrat de la absolvire la Facultatea de Chimie Industriala din UPB ca cercetator....
Prin 1995, Rectoratul UPB i-a incredintat misiunea de-a organiza, dezvolta,ÂÂÂ promova siÂÂÂ conduce noul ÂÂÂ Muzeu al IPB/ UPB (situat in campusul Polizu in spatele corpului P intr-o veche hala industriala ocupata pe vremea cand eram noi studenti de Facultatea de Metalurgie)...S-a achitat de aceasta importanta responsabilitate cu spirit de initiativa si multa daruire, dar si cu modestie si discretie...
Datorita lui (si echipei sale), au putut fi colectate si expuse in acest Muzeu numeroase obiecte si publicatii apartinand fostilor profesori din UPB si unor catedre/ departamente ale universitatii...

Pentru a afla istoria si contributia colegului nostru la Muzeul Politehnicii

1 CURRICULUM VITAE Conf. dr. Oprea Ştefan – Universitatea din Piteşti, Facultatea de electronică,comunicatii si calculatoare, Catedra de electronică şi calculatoare 1. DATA ŞI LOCUL NAŞTERII, STUDII, SPECIALIZĂRI ŞI TITLURI Data şi locul naşterii: 6 februarie 1947, comuna Vidra, Sector Agricol Ilfov. Studii Liceul: 1960 – 1965, Şcoala medie nr. 1, Giurgiu; Facultatea: 1965 – 1970, Facultatea de electronică şi telecomunicaţii, Universitatea “Politehnica” Bucureşti, Secţia electronică aplicată. Specializări şi titluri ştiinţifice Definitivat. Gradul didactic 2. Gradul didactic 1. Stagiu de specializare la University of Central Lancashire - Preston – Anglia, 1994. Titlul de doctor în inginerie electronică şi telecomunicaţii, cu tema Segmentarea imaginilor color, la Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti.. Limbi străine cunoscute: engleză, germană; 2 FUNCŢII DIDACTICE (PROFESIONALE) ŞI LOCURI DE MUNCĂ Inginer automatizări, Combinatul Petrochimic Piteşti, Serviciul automatizări, 1970 – 1971. Profesor, Grupul Şcolar Chimie, Piteşti, 1971 – 1972. Profesor, Liceul Matematică Fizică Nr.1, Piteşti, 1972 – 1990. Inspector şcolar, Inspectoratul Şcolar Judeţean Argeş, 1978 - 1982 (1/2 normă). Şef. lucrări, Universitatea din Piteşti, Facultatea de electronică şi electromecanică, 1990 – 2004. Conferenţiar, Universitatea din Piteşti, Facultatea de electronică, calculatoare şi comunicaţii, 2004 – 2012. 3 ACTIVITATEA PROFESIONALĂ Activitatea didactică - în învăţământul liceal: Predare curs la disciplinele: Dispozitive şi circuite electronice, Calculatoare electronice, Măsurări electrice şi electronice, Automatizări în industria chimică, Construcţia, exploatarea, întreţinerea aparaturii electronice nucleare, Bazele radio, Bazele TV, Echipamente electronice pentru radio şi TV, Bazele informaticii, Algoritmi de programare, Limbajul BASIC, Limbajul DBASE, Limbajul PASCAL, Limbajul C. Conducere lucrări de laborator la disciplinele: Dispozitive şi circuite electronice, Calculatoare electronice, Măsurări electrice şi electronice, Automatizări în industria chimică, Construcţia, exploatarea, întreţinerea aparaturii electronice nucleare, Echipamente electronice pentru radio şi TV, Limbajul BASIC, Limbajul DBASE, Limbajul PASCAL, Limbajul C. - în învăţământul universitar: Predare curs la disciplinele: Măsurări electrice şi electronice, Televiziune, Sisteme video, Dispozitive şi circuite electronice, Măsurări electronice, Senzori şi traductoare, Măsurari electronice şi instrumentaţie. Conducere seminarii la disciplinele: Măsurări electrice şi electronice, Măsurari electronice şi instrumentaţie, Televiziune. Conducere lucrări de laborator la disciplinele: Măsurări electrice şi electronice, Televiziune, Sisteme video. Conducere proiecte de diplomă: -în perioada 1991-2007 am condus 160 proiecte de diplomă. -exemple de proiecte de diplomă reprezentative: Sistem emisie şi recepţie teletext, Microprocesorul Z80 (software educaţional), Simplificarea funcţiilor booleene (software educaţional), Analizor logic, Sistem achizitie imagini statice cu PC-student, Sistem titrare, Sistem afişaj pe ecran TV, Sincrogenerator PAL, Sistem afişaj pe ecran osciloscop, Televizor pe osciloscop, Osciloscop pe televizor, Voltmetru electronic cu Z-80, Selector de linii TV, Sistemul PIP, Sistemul POP, Selector linii TV care afişează conţinutul lniei detectate pe LCD grafic, realizat cu microcontroler PIC16F877, Generator miră TV care afişează mira generată şi semnalelele primare de culoare pe LCD grafic, realizat cu microcontroler PIC16F84, Decodor IR cu afişaj pe LCD, realizat cu microcontroler PIC16F84, Caracterograf pe PC, Osciloscop digital, Instrumente virtuale. Participare în comisii de examene de diplomă Activitatea tehnică Proiectare aparate: surse stabilizate, frecvenţmetru digital cu autoscalare, generatoare de semnal, generatoare de miră, instrumente virtuale. Asistenţă tehnică:depanare aparate din laboratorul de masurări electice şi electronice, şi laboratorul de televiziune şi sisteme video. Organizare de noi laboratoare didactice: Laboratorul de măsurări electrice şi electronice, laboratorul de televiziune şi sisteme video. Accesati link-ul pentru a afla mai multe din activitatea colegului nostru:STEFAN OPREA ACTIVITATE DIDACTICA SI STIINTIFICA
 1 Eliade Stefanescu Tel: +40727 39 87 19 E-mail:
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BORN: May 11, 1947, Nehoiu / Buzau, Romania CHARACTERIZATION: Professional with multidisciplinary openness: electronics, physics and technology of semiconductor devices, physics of open quantum systems with applications to basic phenomena in quantum optics and nuclear physics. EDUCATION: Master - Physics, Electronic Devices, Electronics (1965-1970) Institution: Polytechnic University of Bucharest Department: Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, section of Physicist Engineers Advisor: George Ionescu Title of Thesis or Research : Thickness Measuring System with Beta-Radiation Description: Electronic circuits for pulse formation, numbering, and integration. Specialization in Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Devices (1974-1975) Institution: Polytechnic University of Bucharest + Research Institute for Electronic Components Department: Department of Electronic Devices Advisor: Constantin Bulucea Title of Thesis or Research : Problems of Semiconductor Devices Description: Course of lectures on semiconductor devices, with sets of problems, and intermediate and final exams. Doctorate - Theoretical Physics: Open Quantum Systems (1989-1991) · Institution: Institute of Atomic Physics, Bucharest · Department: Department of Theoretical Physics · Advisor: Aureliu-Emil Sandulescu · Title of Thesis: Derivation of New Optical Equations for the Interaction of a Two-Level Atom with a Single Mode of the Electromagnetic Field on the Basis of the Theory of Open Quantum Systems (published in Physica A, 1989) · Description: The application of Lindblad's theory of open quantum systems to a two-level atom interacting with a single mode of the electromagnetic field, and comparison of the theoretical results with well-known experimental data. I obtained the interesting effect that, for some values of the atomic detuning, an energy transfer from the dissipative environment to the coherent electromagnetic field arises. 2 POSITION: Senior Scientist I – the highest scientific degree in Romania (April 2004 - Present) Employer Name: Institute of Mathematics "Simion Stoilow" of the Romanian Academy Department: Center of Advanced Studies in Physics of the Romanian Academy Sector: Academic Responsibilities: Basic research (open quantum systems). AWARDS: The Prize of the Romanian Academy for Physics, 1983. MEMBERSHIPS: - Academy of Romanian Scientists, - German-Romanian Academy, - American Chemical Society – Physical Chemistry Division – Energy Subdivision.
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Dr. Dan C. Dumitras Dr. Dan C. Dumitraș
National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Romania Institutul National pentru Fizica Laserilor, Plasmei si Radiatiei, România
Prof. Dr. Eng. Prof. Dr. Ing.. Dan Constantin Dumitras graduated at the Faculty of Electronics, University Politehnica, Bucharest in 1970. Dan Constantin Dumitraș a absolvit la Facultatea de Electronica, Universitatea Politehnica, Bucuresti, în 1970. He obtained his PhD at the Institute of Atomic Physics, Bucharest in 1978. El a obținut doctoratul la Institutul de Fizica Atomica, Bucuresti, în 1978. Since 1970 he has been involved in research on laser physics and applications (frequency stabilization of lasers, photoacoustic spectroscopy, laser applications in medicine and biology, material processing and ultrashort pulse, high intensity lasers - extreme light) at the Department of Lasers, Institute of Atomic Physics and at the National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Bucharest. Începând cu 1970, el a fost implicat în cercetarea în domeniul fizicii cu laser și aplicații (stabilizarea frecvenței de lasere, spectroscopie photoacoustic, aplicatii laser in medicina si biologie, prelucrarea materialelor și ultrascurte puls, laserele de mare intensitate - Extreme Light) la Departamentul de Fizica Laserilor, Institutul de Fizica Atomica si de la Institutul National pentru Fizica Laserilor, Plasmei si Radiatiei, Bucuresti. He works as a professor at Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest and as a professor and a PhD supervisor at the Faculty of Applied Sciences, University Politehnica, Bucharest. El lucrează ca profesor la Facultatea de Fizică, Universitatea din București, și ca un profesor si un conducator de doctorat la Facultatea de Științe Aplicate, Universitatea Politehnica, Bucuresti. He is the author and/or editor of 15 books and has published more than 120 papers in scientific journals. El este autorul și / sau editorul a 15 cărți și a publicat mai mult de 120 de lucrări în reviste științifice. He held more than 200 presentations at the international conferences (30 invited lectures). El a deținut mai mult de 200 de prezentări la conferințe internaționale (30 prelegeri invitate). Prof. Dumitras organized several international conferences: ROMOPTO 1997, ALT 2001 and ALT 2006, LEI 2009 and ICUIL 2012. Prof. Dumitraș a organizat mai multe conferințe internaționale: ROMOPTO 1997, 2001 și ALT ALT 2006, 2009 și ICUIL LEI 2012.
Fields of Research Domenii de cercetare
Experience Experiență
Editorials Editoriale
Nd YAG Laser Nd YAG laser
Discovered almost fifty years ago at Bell Labs (1964), the Nd:YAG laser has undergone an enormous evolution in the years, being now widely used in both basic research and technological applications. A descoperit aproape cincizeci de ani în urmă, la Bell Labs (1964), Nd: YAG a suferit o evoluție enormă în anii, fiind acum utilizate pe scară largă atât în cercetarea fundamentală și aplicațiile tehnologice. Nd:YAG Laser covers a wide range of topics, from new systems (diode pumping, short pulse generation) and components (a new semiorganic nonlinear crystal) to applications in material processing (coating, welding, polishing, drilling, processing of metallic thin films), medicine (treatment, drug administration) and other various fields (semiconductor nanotechnology, plasma spectroscopy, laser induced breakdown spectroscopy). Nd: YAG laser acoperă o gamă largă de subiecte, de la sisteme de pompare noi (diode, generarea de impulsuri scurte) și componente (un cristal nou semiorganic neliniar) la aplicații de prelucrare a materialelor (de acoperire, sudare, polizare, foraj, de prelucrare a filmelor subtiri metalice ), medicina (tratament, de droguri de administrare), precum și în alte domenii diverse (nanotehnologiei semiconductoare, plasma spectroscopie, cu laser indusa de defalcare spectroscopie).
CO2 Laser - Optimisation and Application Laser CO2 - Optimizarea și de aplicare
The present book includes several contributions aiming a deeper understanding of the basic processes in the operation of CO2 lasers (lasing on non-traditional bands, frequency stabilization, photoacoustic spectroscopy) and achievement of new systems (CO2 lasers generating ultrashort pulses or high average power, lasers based on diffusion cooled V-fold geometry, transmission of IR radiation through hollow core microstructured fibers). Cartea de față cuprinde mai multe contribuții în vederea o înțelegere mai profundă a proceselor de bază în operarea de lasere CO2 (lasing pe non-tradiționale benzile de frecvență, stabilizare, spectroscopie photoacoustic) și realizarea de noi sisteme (lasere CO2 generarea impulsurilor ultrascurte sau de putere medie ridicată, lasere bazate pe difuzia răcit V-ori geometria, transmiterea de radiatii IR prin fibre de bază goale microstructurate). The second part of the book is dedicated to applications in material processing (heat treatment, welding, synthesis of new materials, micro fluidics) and in medicine (clinical applications, dentistry, non-ablative therapy, acceleration of protons for cancer treatment). A doua parte a cărții este dedicată aplicațiilor de prelucrare a materialelor (tratament termic, sudura, sinteza de noi materiale, micro fluidice) și în medicină (aplicatii clinice, stomatologie, terapie non-ablative, accelerarea protonilor pentru tratamentul cancerului).
Publications Publicații
- Book Chapter CO2 Laser Photoacoustic Spectroscopy: I. Principles Rezervați Capitolul CO2 laser Spectroscopie Photoacoustic: Principii I.
by Dan C. Dumitras, Ana Maria Bratu and Cristina Popa in the book "CO2 Laser - Optimisation and Application" edited by Dan C. Dumitras, ISBN 978-953-51-0351-6, InTech, March 3, 2012 de Dan C. Dumitraș, Ana Maria Bratu și Popa Cristina, în cartea "CO2 Laser - Optimizarea și aplicații", editată de Dan C. Dumitraș, ISBN 978-953-51-0351-6, INTECH, 03 martie 2012
- Book Chapter CO2 Laser Photoacoustic Spectroscopy: II. Rezervați Capitolul CO2 laser Spectroscopie Photoacoustic: II. Instrumentation and Applications Instrumentație și aplicații
by Dan C. Dumitras, Ana Maria Bratu and Cristina Popa in the book "CO2 Laser - Optimisation and Application" edited by Dan C. Dumitras, ISBN 978-953-51-0351-6, InTech, March 3, 2012 de Dan C. Dumitraș, Ana Maria Bratu și Popa Cristina, în cartea "CO2 Laser - Optimizarea și aplicații", editată de Dan C. Dumitraș, ISBN 978-953-51-0351-6, INTECH, 03 martie 2012
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National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radi Dan Constantin Dumitras graduated at the Faculty of Electronics, University Pol He obtained his PhD at the Institute of At Since 1970 he has been involved in research on laser physics and applications (frequency stabilization of lasers, photoacoustic spectroscopy, laser applications in medicine and biology, material processing and ultrashort pulse, high intensity lasers - extreme light) at the Department of Lasers, Institute of Atomic Physics and at the National Institute for Laser, Plasma and He works as a professor at Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest and as a professor and a PhD supervisor at the Faculty of Applied S He is the author and/or editor of 15 books and has published He held more than 200 presentations at the international confe Prof. Dumitras organized several international conferences: ROMOP
Nd YAG Laser
Discovered almost fifty years ago at Bell Labs (1964), the Nd:YAG laser has undergone an enormous evolution in the years, being now widely used in both basic research and technolog Nd:YAG Laser covers a wide range of topics, from new systems (diode pumping, short pulse generation) and components (a new semiorganic nonlinear crystal) to applications in material processing (coating, welding, polishing, drilling, processing of metallic thin films), medicine (treatment, drug administration) and other various fields (semiconductor nanotech
CO2 Laser - Optimisation and Application
The present book includes several contributions aiming a deeper understanding of the basic processes in the operation of CO2 lasers (lasing on non-traditional bands, frequency stabilization, photoacoustic spectroscopy) and achievement of new systems (CO2 lasers generating ultrashort pulses or high average power, lasers based on diffusion cooled V-fold geometry, transmission of IR radiation through hollow core mi The second part of the book is dedicated to applications in material processing (heat treatment, welding, synthesis of new materials, micro fluidics) and in medicine (clinical applications, dentistry, non-ablative therapy, accelerati
, Co-Founder, VP System Architecture, Tropic Networks Dr. Oprea is responsible for setting the strategic technology direction for Tropic Networks, ensuring that product development meets customers' current and future business requirements. Prior to co-founding Tropic Networks, he spent 15 years creating product architectures and development strategies for several leading-edge optical networking and high-capacity IP routing systems. His role as a Senior Architect at Nortel Networks involved architecture definition, performance evaluation, and system integration for several projects, including high-capacity optical transport and terabit switch routing. At Mitel, Dr. Oprea focused on digital system design and digital signal processing. He began his career as an associate professor at the Technical University of Bucharest in Romania. He holds 25 patents in digital communications technology.

Vice President and CTO at Analogic Corporation SORIN MARCOVICI
Greater Boston Area
Medical Devices
Sorin Marcovici's Overview
- Vice President and CTO at Analogic Corporation
- President at Anrad Corporation
Sorin Marcovici's Experience
Vice President and CTO
Analogic Corporation
Public Company; 1001-5000 employees; ALOG; Medical Devices industry
1976 – Present (35 years)
Anrad Corporation
Public Company; 51-200 employees; Medical Devices industry
January 2000 – December 2005 (6 years)
Amorphous selenium based Flat Panel Detectors for Digital Mammography
Sorin Marcovici's Education
Northeasetrn University
Master Degree, EE with Major in Computers
1979 – 1981
Activities and Societies: Fellow Member IEEE Member SPIE
Sorin Marcovici's Additional Information
Groups and Associations:
IEEE Fellow SPIE Member
Married, two daughters, email:
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ÂÂÂÂ Graduate in Electronics and Telecommunication at the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Rail Remote Controls section, Diplom-Engineer ÂÂÂÂ Postgraduate in Production Engineering, Complex Processes Optimizations - University Siegen ÂÂÂÂ PhD in Systems Engineering (summa cum laude) at the University Siegen, Dr.-Engineer - First PhD in Systems Engineering in the German speaking countries
ÂÂÂÂ Postgraduate in Informatics, Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Technical University Karlsruhe
Management education: All levels of training at Philips and Siemens
ÂÂÂÂ Certified Auditor in Quality, in Environment, Health and Safety and in International Project Management
Career History ÂÂÂÂ R&D Engineer (7 patented inventions, 43 publications) in Bucharest and at Philips in Siegen
ÂÂÂÂ Assistant Professor at the University Siegen and the Technical University Karlsruhe; Books: "Integrated Economic comparison of technical maintenance in Japan and Germany", "System-technical approach of the safety work of machines and plants"
ÂÂÂÂ Head of Technology and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) – Philips Data Systems in Siegen, and the Central Research Lab in Eindhoven, the Netherlands ÂÂÂÂ Head of Research Division “AI based Production Optimizations” - Fraunhofer Research Society in Karlsruhe, Germany
ÂÂÂÂ Senior Consultant - Argo (Chicago, US) and Formel D (Wolfsburg and Munich, Germany)
ÂÂÂÂ Quality Manager at Siemens - Factory level in Graz, Austria, Division level in Erlangen, Sector Industry level and Corporate level in Nuremberg, Germany
World Experience
ÂÂÂÂ Member of the International Expert Team to Reorganize the Philips Company, Eindhoven
ÂÂÂÂ Member of the international team for quality management standards in Geneva and of the expert team for the creation of the Siemens Code of Conduct
ÂÂÂÂ Project Manager, Supply Quality Manager and consultant in more than 60 countries worldwide
ÂÂÂÂ Senior consultant 1997 – 2001 at Huawei in Shenzhen and at Siemens in Shanghai and Qingdao
ÂÂÂÂ Commitment to international cooperation: expert and senior advisor for improving operations in companies in Liuzhou, Nanning, Guilin, Beihai, Xiamen, Chongqing, Rio Grande - Tierra del Fuego, Buenos Aires, Beirut, Cairo ÂÂÂÂ Proficiency in German, English, Dutch, French, Hungarian, Romanian, Spanish, Russian, Chinese.
Ivar - 1968 as a student and today


Conf. dr. ing. Decebal FARINI
DECEBAL FARINI Conf. dr. ing. Decebal FARINI Director subprogramele nr. 6 si nr. 8
Prenume: Decebal Nanu
Data nasterii: 1947
Localitatea: Babadag, Judetul Tulcea
Universitatea "Politehnica" din Bucuresti
Facultatea de Electronica si Telecomunicatii
Doctor Inginer
Conferentiar, Catedra Telecomenzi si Electronica in Transporturi, Universitatea "Politehnica" din Bucuresti
Prodecan, Facultatea de Transporturi a Universitatii "Politehnica" din Bucuresti
Director subprograme RELANSIN, AMCSIT Politehnica
Echipamente electronice de semnalizare si telecomanda
Utilizarea tehnicii de calcul in transporturile feroviar, rutier si naval
Modelarea, simularea si proiectarea asistate de calculator a dispozitivelor, circuitelor si sistemelor electronice
Managementul proiectelor.
cercetare Teletransmisie in procese tehnice pentru reducerea circuitelor fizice Retea de microcalculatoare specializata pentru controlul proceselor tehnice cu mare raspundere function | |